Avoid These 7 Wealth Mistakes Preventing Your Financial Abundance
When we hear the word “wealth,” we automatically think of money and financial abundance. And while there are other forms of wealth as well (Robin Sharma shares 8 forms of wealth in his book “The Everyday Hero Manifesto“), this post is about financial abundance. Let’s dive into the 7 wealth mistakes that might be preventing you from a wealthier and happier life.
Mistake 1: Not Completing What You Start
I bet you are surprised. How can the first wealth mistake to avoid be “Not completing what you start”?
There are two main reasons, and both are very powerful and key to financial abundance and an abundant life overall.
First, successful people complete what they start. They follow through. Their intention is not just to do something. The intention is to complete that thing.
When you don’t complete what you start, you keep open loops in your mind. Your subconscious is actively reminding you of your outstanding work and promises. And on top of this, you build an image of yourself as being incapable and unreliable. You didn’t finish the course you bought two years ago. Why bother with this new program?
This pattern of not completing what you start creates a vicious cycle of catabolic energy. And we all know that catabolic energy is destructive. It’s the energy of lack, not abundance.
Second, the universal spirit and mind are expressive. They favor action and service.
When you start something, complete it.
If you make a resolution and don’t keep it, you form the habit of failure. The way out of it is to always complete what you start.
It doesn’t mean that you should finish a book you don’t like or a project that’s not producing the desired results. It means that you should complete it by closing it.
What things have you started and not completed? Make a list and start closing your outstanding projects, goals, and intentions. Begin with a small and easy one to gain momentum.
Mistake 2: Allowing Worry and Fear In
The second mistake that could be preventing your financial abundance is allowing worry and fear to be your guiding feelings.
I get it. Most of us have grown up with countless of limiting beliefs and assumptions about money and wealth.
“Rich people aren’t nice.”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“Mercedes Benz is not for people like us.”
“You have to work hard and sacrifice your personal life to be successful.”
Sound familiar?
No wonder we are all worried about money. All the time. Or most of the time.
I wish there were an easy way to get rid of worry and fear. But I’m here to tell you that while you can absolutely replace worry and fear with peace of mind and confidence, it takes time and effort.
Start today by immersing yourself in an environment that uplifts you and shows you the way to abundance (our community is such a place, wink-wink). This will pay you dividends for years to come.
Mistake 3: Focusing on Problems and Challenges
Now, you might start seeing a pattern here as we proceed with the third mistake to avoid if you want more wealth.
And if you haven’t noticed it yet, let me reveal it. Much of it has to do with catabolic energy and seeing the world through the lenses of Energy levels 1 and 2 – full of lack, problems, and challenges.
What’s the solution?
Shift your framework from seeing challenges and problems to finding opportunities.
Develop the habit of asking yourself: “What is one opportunity in this situation?”
Mistake 4: Being too Logical, Emotional, or Intuitive
Wealth mistake 4 is all about lack of balance.
We all have one dominant tendency. We are either logical, or emotional, or intuitive most of the time.
And while this is one of our superpowers, it is also an adversity. Because we get to rely solely on this limited view of the world.
So, when it comes to your finances, start tapping into your inner genius. Allow yourself to use logic, emotions, and intuition to make better decisions and choose an abundant path forward.
Mistake 5: Doing it Alone
When it comes to financial abundance, we often try to do things alone. Or worse, we are surrounded by people who focus on lack instead of abundance.
Both are huge mistakes.
The solution?
Build a powerful team to support and uplift you on your wealth journey. Surround yourself with people who see opportunities and abundance. Find like-minded individuals who complement your superpowers.
When you have such a powerful team, as the saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Mistake 6: Having a Victim Mentality
We are almost there. The sixth wealth mistake to avoid is again related to catabolic energy, namely, living life as a victim.
Let me tell you something. You are a leader! The choice you have is whether you lead by choice or by default.
Stop playing the victim game and stand up for yourself. You are more than capable of leading an abundant and wealthy life.
The constant victim mentality is not serving you. It’s not serving anyone when it comes to wealth. Again, stop with all the excuses and take the lead.
Mistake 7: Seeing Work as Obligation
The final wealth mistake is all about how you see work.
Thank God it’s Friday! Yup, we’ve all been there and done that.
Unfortunately, most of us live in a constant cycle of 5 dreadful days, so we can have an escape for 2 days before the cycle starts again.
Well, if you want financial abundance and wealth, it’s time to choose a new favorite phrase: Thank God it’s Monday!
Work can be a fantastic experience where you choose to express your gifts and superpowers freely.
Give it a try and see how your life will change.
Start Your Financial Abundance Journey Now
So, here you have them. The seven wealth mistakes that are preventing you from having financial abundance.
Choose the mistake you think is holding you back the most and start working on it today.
And if you want to accelerate your success, now is the time to join the Mindful Money Magic program. Join here and create more financial abundance for yourself and your loved ones.