woman squatting in grass during golden hour

Unlock the Door to Inner Peace in Just 21 Days

In today’s fast-paced world, finding calm and serenity can seem elusive. We often find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of worries about the future or regrets from the past, leaving little room to experience and enjoy the present moment fully. With this in mind, we designed the “Inner Peace Journey: Release Worry and Embrace…

red and blue house painting

Discover Wellness Strategies Using the Power of Art

You’ve got so much on your plate—work, house chores, and the kids, to name a few. Naturally, finding effective wellness strategies can seem like a daunting task. And because here at Empath Unicorn Academy (EUA), we know everyone’s spiritual journey is unique, we want to introduce you to one tool that can help you on…

What Are 5 Things We Want to Help Our Audience With?

What Are 5 Things We Want to Help Our Audience With?

Empath Unicorn Academy is growing and adding more exciting things to serve you – our lovely Unicorns. And guess what? We are re-vamping our blog! Yes! That’s right. Every week on Mondays, we will be sharing a blog post to help you on the journey to more abundance of happiness, health, wealth, and wisdom. And…

black and gray laptop computer beside black smartphone

Secrets For a Productive Workspace at Home

Working or building a lifestyle business from the comfort of your home comes with its unique challenges – managing your time, maintaining a work-life balance, nurturing your business growth, overcoming self-doubt, and managing your finances. Oh, and let’s not forget taking care of the kiddos, cooking, cleaning… That’s why this blog post will guide you…

person holding brown wooden round tray with chocolate cake

15 Hobby Ideas to Nurture Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Finding time for hobbies is essential to strike a balance between the demands of motherhood, entrepreneurship, work, and personal growth. Hobbies are not just leisure activities. They provide joy, inspiration, and relaxation. Let’s explore 15 exciting hobby ideas across different categories to help you unwind, connect with others, stay healthy, foster personal growth, and even…

spiritual awakening path

What Are The 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening. If you are like me, you might be wondering what it is. And what are the stages of spiritual awakening? This second question is the one we will explore in today’s post. And to do this, I’ll introduce you to The Awakening Tree, which represents the journey of spiritual awakening. The roots, trunk,…

a glass jar filled with coins and a plant

Avoid These 7 Wealth Mistakes Preventing Your Financial Abundance

When we hear the word “wealth,” we automatically think of money and financial abundance. And while there are other forms of wealth as well (Robin Sharma shares 8 forms of wealth in his book “The Everyday Hero Manifesto“), this post is about financial abundance. Let’s dive into the 7 wealth mistakes that might be preventing…

woman blowing dandelions

Empath Unicorn Academy Is for You

The world seems to be full of pain, suffering, anger, and frustration. Or at least it resonates with these emotions most of the time. And many women, moms and mompreneurs are struggling. Torn between family expectations, societal pressure, and their own personal limiting beliefs. It’s time to change this! Read on to find out how…